
六歲時開始接觸口琴,一開始的動機是希望能藉此改善體質,完全沒有想到能夠有機會參與國內外各種比賽,甚至獲獎並成為一位專職的口琴人。九歲時加入由楊樹林老師(Yang shu-lin)所帶領的台北市中山國小口琴隊,於19961998期間,分別獲得台北市與台灣區的國小團體合奏比賽優等首獎,更於1997受邀赴大陸作親善巡迴演出獲得極高的評價,也開創了台灣大型口琴樂團(超過百人)海外巡演的首例。

 She starts learning harmonica when she was 6, at that time, the motivation was changing her body constitution. She never thought about going various kinds of competition around the world, even becoming a professional harmonica instructor. This talented girl joined a harmonica team in ZhongShan Elementary School leaded by Mr. Yang Shu-Lin when she turned into 9, and received 1st place as part of harmonica ensemble in Taipei and Taiwan area. She even received excellent feedback when she was invited as harmonica goodwill tour to China. Moreover, this tour trip also became the first case of Taiwan’s huge harmonica ensemble (over hundred people) to play overseas.

在加入合奏團隔年,為了能夠精進琴藝,開始正式拜師學藝,向李孝明老師(lee hsiao-ming)學習複音獨奏與和弦口琴的演奏技術,除了正式踏入獨奏的世界,也接觸重奏的領域。從複音獨奏、口琴重奏(chord)到口琴合奏,雖然磨鍊過程備感艱辛,但也培養了具備各種演奏能力的高度與廣度,於1998先取得台北市口琴獨奏組第一名後,再勇奪台灣區口琴獨奏優等,更在眾多高手雲集的19982000年台灣口琴節複音獨奏組中分別拿下第三與第二的佳績,隨後再接再勵,往國際的舞臺邁進,2002年亞太國際口琴節取得銅賞後,終於在2012第九屆亞太口琴節複音獨奏公開組及伴奏新秀組中,一口氣抱回雙料冠軍也讓國際琴壇的目光開始注意到這位來自台灣的新秀,值得一提的是,歐純伶也靠著精湛的琴技與耀眼的成績而擠上理想的學府繼續求學,在口琴圈來說稱得上是前無來者,在這條漫長的口琴之路上,雖然備感艱辛,但也走的精彩。

 In order to improve her harmonica skills, she learned tremolo and chord techniques from Mr. Lee Hsiao-Ming. For Ou, she is not only officially stepped into tremolo area, but also familiar with chord. From tremolo,chord to harmonica ensemble, the process was tough and hard, but that was how Ou cultivated her abilities in various play. In 1998, she received 1st place in tremolo solo competition in Taipei City, then she also got excellent reward in solo performance in Taiwan Area. On top of that, she gained herself 3rd place in tremolo solo in 1998, and she got 2nd place in 2000. In order to perform worldwide, Ou received Bronze Metal at Asia Pacific International Harmonica Festival in 2002. Moreover, she got two 1st place in polyphonic solo in Open Group Contest and in Accompaniment Group Contest in 9th Asia Pacific Harmonica Festival 2012. Her brilliant talents make her shine in international harmonica world, people start to pay attention to this talented harmonica player from Taiwan. In addition, Ou uses her talented harmonica techniques and excellent academic    grades to apply her dream school and continue to study. There is no such example like her in harmonica world. Even though the process of learning harmonica was tough, she makes best as she can.


Her performance of harmonica ensemble her performance is good as in her solo area. Besides being an independent fi performer, she also can play chord with other performers. Ou first debut was at Taipei Harmonica ensemble Competition 2001, and she gained herself champion in both Trio and Quartet performance. She’s not only received 1st place in All-Chinese Honor Cup Harmonica Ensemble Competition on internet, she got 2nd place in Creative Group in Asia Pacific Harmonica Festival 2012 as well. Her passion toward harmonica and music leads her to become a professional harmonica player after she graduated from university. As spreading harmonica as her goal, now she plays as a member in Rhapsody Harmonica Ensemble and she is also a professional harmonica teacher in schools to teach people from youth to elder. For her future vision, she wants to record her personal album and hoping harmonica can be one of the well-know instrument in the world.

1996台北市音樂比賽口琴合奏 國小組 優等第一名

1996台灣省音樂比賽口琴合奏 團體國中小組 優等第一名

1997台灣區音樂比賽口琴合奏 國小國中組 優等第一名

1997 台北市音樂比賽 國小組口琴合奏 優等第一名

1997 受邀於中國大陸親善訪巡迴演奏會

1998 台北市音樂比賽 國小組口琴合奏 優等第一名

1998 台北市音樂比賽口琴獨奏兒童組西區 優等第一名

1998 台灣區音樂比賽兒童組B組口琴獨奏優等

1998 台灣口琴節 複音獨奏青少年組第三名

1998 亞太口琴節參賽

1999 受邀於美國親善訪問巡迴演奏會

2000 台灣口琴節錦標賽複音口琴獨奏少年組 優等第二名

2000 台北市音樂比賽西區個人少年組B組口琴獨奏優等第一名

2000 全國音樂比賽少年組(B) 口琴獨奏 優等第三名

2000 受邀於真理大學表演

2001 第一屆台北口琴重奏大賽三重奏國中國小組優等第一名

2001 第一屆台北口琴重奏大賽四重奏國中國小組優等第一名

2002 第二屆台北口琴重奏大賽 四重奏國中組 優等第三名

2002 台北市學生音樂比賽高中職組B 口琴獨奏西區第一名

2002 全國學生音樂比賽 高中職組B 口琴獨奏優第二名

2002 第四屆亞太口琴節大賽銅賞Bronze Prize

2002 於韓國受邀巡演

2003 臺北市立華江高中個人才藝競賽口琴組 第一名

2004 第四屆台灣管樂協會盃 高中組管樂合奏大賽 第二名

2008 第一屆全球華人HOHNER盃網際口琴重奏大賽三重奏第一名

2008 鈴木盃複音口琴獨奏大專盃組第一名






2015 與柳川優子合作演出

2016 受邀於首爾韓國口琴節擔任評審與演出

2017- 2019 臺灣口琴大賽受邀評審與演出














2021-0619 台北愛樂電台訪問歐純伶 | 大大的必修課


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